Why WE Should Live A SOBER LIFE
at one point in our lives either we’ve done or will do alcohol , weed , psychedelic or any other drug ! now i feel strongly that we should all strive to live a sober life and i speak from experience !
im not telling you what to do ! you can do whatever you want , you can smoke weed , you can drink , you wan do any drug you want ! it’s your choice , it’s your life , i’m not telling you to do anything to make this clear !
what i’m trying to say is that whenever we smoke weed , drink alcohol what we are experiencing is that little hint of freedom! and the freedom that we experience is through the mind and we get so attached to it !
if you start living the sober life like i did at first im not gonna lie to you it feels kinda suck because when i took the decision i had a strong reason one of my closest friends overdosed on ecstasy and passed away and it wasn't easy at all now i can’t even look in his little brother eyes i felt so guilty because i did not stop him ! and honestly i wanted to change and get out of that loop !
if you are here , if you allow yourself to be here in the present moment ! if you breath , if you meditate , if you live life , if you just allow yourself to experience life , real life ! you will begin to experience that hint of freedom more and more and more until one day you will have the full control you gonna be in the present and you gonna use your mind !
it’s honestly the best thing that you can experience as if you were high 24/7 but without the negatives it is the greatest experience in my life and i want so stay that way !