why getting out of your comfort zone?

aziz sassi
3 min readFeb 24, 2021

Leaving your comfort zone isn’t easy. In fact, in can be downright terrifying at times, and that’s okay. It’s perfectly normal to feel a little trepidation when you’re embarking on a journey that forces you to try new things.

So don’t freak out or get overwhelmed when you feel yourself getting a little scared. It’s perfectly normal and all part of the process. What’s important is that you don’t let that fear hold you back. You must continue to take action in the face of fear.

That’s what separates winners from losers.

We are creatures of habit. We order the same coffee, at the same coffee shops, workout and get hungry, around the same time every day. When is the last time you purposefully, took yourself outside of your comfort zone? When is the last time you grappled with a new challenge and remember fear and excitement pumping through you, simultaneously? Some people dislike changing their routine but for entrepreneurs, playing it safe, is risky.

We’ve all heard the saying to get out of your comfort zone. But what does that mean? It sounds like an easy phrase to throw around, but sometimes advice is easier to give than to take.

Luckily I’ve learned some things about the freedom specially this year that comes from trying something new and breaking out of boxes and restrictions sometimes self-imposed . I’d like to share the things that I’ve learned when i started my bootcamp journey (RBK tunisia)that may have seemed uncomfortable at first, but brought me joy, excitement and opportunities.

I’m gonna be honest with you the first months were hell but also it was one of the best things that ever happened to me because i learned what does it mean to achieve something you never thought you’ll be able to do it ! And this gave me motivation to face new challenges everyday and never give up until i reach my goal

All what i did i wouldn’t be able to do it if i stayed in my comfort zone and i think most of successful people stepped out of their comfort zone in order to make it ! Growth will never happen when your comfortable !!

Confidence is not something we are born with. It’s a skill we can build by setting goals, achieving those goals, and setting more goals to pursue. In order to develop confidence, we need to face our fears and take a risk. We all know the exhilarating feeling that comes with achieving something that we were not even sure we could do before. The more goals we set and achieve, the further our confidence will soar.

The more time we stay inside of our comfort zones, the scarier new territory will appear to us. But the world is changing rapidly, and those who fear change risk getting left behind. For people who are already pushing their comfort zone, change will not appear as frightening. Instead, they’ll welcome a new project at work or learning a new language as a challenge that can open up possibilities for growth that were not there before.

There is nothing worse for our creativity than never straying from the path of what is tried and true. The longer we are unwilling to entertain new thoughts, ideas, and ways of going deeper, the more we slip into a rut. By trying something new, we stir up creative juices that will awaken our imagination

Failure is the best teacher. I’ve learned more from each one of my failures than I have from each one of my successes. When you fail small, and fail often, you rapidly increase the rate at which you learn new insights and skills. And that new knowledge, if applied correctly, will eventually lead to your success.

Once you move out of your comfort zone, you immediately prove to yourself that you’re capable of achieving more than you thought was possible. And that will change the way you see yourself.

Moving forward, you’ll have more confidence in yourself whenever you step out of your comfort zone, and that increased confidence will make it more likely that you continue to step outside your comfort zone. And each time you do, you’ll prove to yourself again and again what you’re really capable of.



aziz sassi

👋 Hey! I'm Aziz, a passionate software developer from Tunisia. Let's explore the world of programming together! 🚀💻 #TechEnthusiast