When was the last time i tried something new

Life is about taking chances, trying new things, having fun, making mistakes and learning from it , you’ll never discover yourself if don’t try these things that scares you the most i mean how can you tell if you like free falling if you never tried it ! how can you get out of your comfort zone if you stay doing what you know already and don’t try new strategies, new ways, new things that looks hard and scares you the most . comfort zone feels good and safe but you’re not getting nowhere if you stay there Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Most of the time fear is holding us back from reaching our dreams can you imagine with me how many talents were buried because they were afraid to fail , afraid to be accepted , afraid of the reaction of people . The first time i speak in front of a crowd my heart was about to go out if his place and i was shaking and stressed I’m not gonna lie everything was awful about my performance my voice was shaking , I kept avoiding looking at the audience and my body language was horrible but by doing that and messing up i overcame my fear and became a better public speaker and i had courage to do it again and improving, Once you make it a priority to try new things, fear will cease to be a crippling factor in your life. Instead, you’ll see it as a minor speed bump that stands between you and some new experience.
Trying new things will increase you confidence and make you feel good about yourself when you challenge yourself you’re surprising yourself how much you’re brave and can do anything .
Many times the things you wanna try involve learning new skills that you may need in the future and may help you and you’re training you’re brain to learn quickly and anything new learn is definitely not a waste it’s an new experience !
You will know what you like and what you don’t by trying new things and i promise you will not regret anything new you learned because it will help you in something somehow !
There are countless reasons to try new things in your life. Trying something new doesn’t mean that you have to risk life and limb. No, trying new things just means you need to experience something different.
For example… try tea instead of coffee. Bike to work instead of drive. Go frisbee golfing instead of watching television. Travel to far flung locations. Order something new off of the menu at your local restaurant. When you try new things, you’ll realize that new experiences are life changing.