The magic keys To reach Your Goals
i hate to break it to you but reaching goals is not easy i’m not gonna lie
if you really have a goal ! a dream ! protect it let it be your n1 thing ! your purpose until you reach it
in order to reach goals we need motivation but let’s face it motivation alone will not be enough because with time motivation will fade !
so what we need here is self discipline because there’s some days you will hate what you’re doing ! you will hate waking up in the morning to chase your dreams ! you will try to find excuses ! and what will keep you motivated and doing no matter what even when you don’t feel like it is self discipline!
also you need a good plan , you need to expect all possibilities and be ready for them in my point of view you need to set little goals and then go for next one so start small and go for bigger ones
and try to think about the feeling after reaching that goal and try to make that your motivation
and the most important thing is to enjoy the progress you’re making ! focus on this even more than your goal! that’s right , focus on doing 1% more progress every day and you will reach your goal without even noticing !
and work hard every day ! no days off ! no friends ! no parties ! nothing ! just focus on yourself and be patient and eventually you'll where you want to be !
the end :)