If I Could Go Back In Time What Would I Do Differently?
The truth? I would never want to go back in time and do things differently. No matter what. I would never want to undo my failures, as much as they hurt me. I would never want to unwind the clock and try to skip past the painful moments or try to live a perfect life because it’s my failures that have shaped and molded me the most. Not my successes.
However, you might not feel the same way. You might be regretting some of the mistakes that you’ve made and wanting to turn back the hands of time to do things over again. But you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t want to change the way that things have unfolded because there’s a reason for everything. You might not understand it now. And as much as it hurts, there is a grand design.
Reasons Why I Would Never Change Things Today:
#1 — I am who I am today because of my failures
When I was addict ,hopeless and alone, I was afraid. I was at an emotional dead-end. I thought I was done. In my mind, everything was over. I was suffering , I wasn’t quite sure how I could go forward. I just wanted to give up and throw in that towel and call it quits for good.
I didn’t see a point in moving forward. I didn’t see a point in trying again when it was just going to end in failure. What I didn’t realize was that those failures were making me stronger everyday.
I am who I am today because of my failures. I am compassionate because I’ve failed. I am understanding because I’ve failed. I am more emotionally aware because I’ve failed. I’m smarter because I’ve failed. And I understand the values and beliefs of the things that matter in life because of those failures. So I would never take them back. I would never go back in time and change a single thing.
#2 — I figured out what worked and what didn’t
Everything that didn’t work out for me in the past actually was so important and i learned my lesson from it and now i can do much better so don’t regret any experience good or bad !
If you got something out of then it helped you maybe you can’t see how yet but it surely did! And remember that the things that did not work for you will help you more than the the good experiences ! And as hard it is as better is gonna help with challenges in the future .
#3 — I made memories (good and bad) why i would change that ?
Even the hardest times that I’ve been through in my life when i look back at it i would laugh and say ‘ wow i miss those days !’ .
And i can see the progress i was making and compare myself to the person i was to motivate me and keep me going no matter what .
I really love my life even the dark side of it and the hard moments and the mistakes i did , that’s a part of me that made me who i’am today and i’m so proud of everything i did .
#4 — you need to do mistakes in your life !
Doing things wrong and making mistakes is more important that doing it right but are you learning from your mistakes ? that’s what make the difference because if not you will keep repeating that mistake over and over again but if you learn from it you will do things differently next time !
If you delete all your errors and mistakes that won’t make it any better because if the first challenge you will face you’ll get stuck because you don’t have experience
When we look at the past, we realize that we can choose to have faith in our own abilities, and to trust the kindness of life. Whatever transpires is not going to last, so we don’t need to hold on to the pain forever and allow it to define us.