How to handle rumors
I think most of has experienced being talked about behind his back in high school , work, university … and all of us know too well how damaging rumors can be when they get out of hand
We react similarly to information about others. Research by Stanford University’s Rob Willer shows that we take negative gossip about others seriously because we view it as useful information that can protect us. The result is that when someone spreads false rumors about you, it’s hard to shake off that reputation. This can damage your personal and professional opportunities and it’s also extremely stressful.
If you are facing hurtful rumors, you’ll need to use emotional intelligence to avoid making the situation any worse and make them fade faster!
and now i’m gonna show you some tips that may help you
1)KNOWING WHY People spread RUMOR?
Rumor/gossip can start for many reasons
- Jealousy
- Hatred
- Fun/Mockery
people can be heartless sometimes and say hurtful stuff behind you and when you hear about it you’d be shocked
i think first thing you should do is thinking about this rumor and the person spreading it and you will know if it is true or not because no one know you more than yourself so don’t be mad about it
Confrontation is hard, but it does yield results.
Talk to this person who is spreading the rumor/gossip about you. Don’t tell him/her how upset you are, don’t flare on them. You have one opportunity to talk to this person in an open and free manner, make sure you get the best out of it.
- Be the bigger person
- Ask them how they heard about the rumour
- Find out the source
- Tell them how it makes you feel
- Talk to them about the impact
- Ask if they can help you mitigate it
Give them the benefit of the doubt. Tell them how it has impacted you. Ask them to put themselves in your situation and empathise with you.
if it’s a story tell them what happened and don’t care if they believe or not and just let it go !
Sometimes, people do rally on the weaker ones. They find it fun to put someone down for a few laughs. Let them know how strong you are, show them that it doesn’t bother you.
And if it does, stand up to them; talk some sense into them; tell them how deep the consequences can be. It is easy to spread a rumor/gossip and there is nothing humane in it.
It may hurt you to know that false rumors about you are being told behind your back, but dont let it affect you! Everytime you see this person, Smile! let them know that it doesnt bother you one bit, cause if you react In an ungrounded manner, theyve won and theyve accomplished what they set out for! This person is a loser for saying false things behind your back and people are gonna see him for the loser he truly is and they’ll stop listening to him, stop caring and forget the rumors he spread.. Just learn not to care and be yourself