How to develop learner autonomy

Autonomy means the ability to take control of one’s own learning, independently or in collaboration with others. An autonomous learner will take more responsibility for learning and is likely to be more effective than a learner who is reliant on the teacher.
An autonomous learner will set their own goals, reflect on their progress, and seek opportunities to practice outside the classroom.
maybe you want to learn without help or with your own learning style but saying it is much easier that actually doing it because if you didn’t develop that habit it’s gonna be challenging for you at first but you will get better eventually !
How to develop learner autonomy:
- Identify your own learning needs
- Set learning goals to address those needs
- Identify resources to help you achieve your learning goals
- Apply appropriate learning strategies
- Evaluate the outcomes of your learning
- and most important thing is MAKE SURE TO LEARN HOW TO USE GOOGLE
and after you set you goals start the process and never give up until you reach your goal maybe it’s gonna be hard but hard things are worth it !
also it’s a good thing to fill the free time with instead of scrolling social media for example
so use your time wisely and never forget why you’re learning in the first place .