hello again !
do you think that your life style define you as a person and can affect your productivity?
well personally i think that who we are depends on our habits
for example you can’t do drugs or sit on the couch all day then say why i can’t focus and think clearly if you’re living a toxic lifestyle you’ll keep thinking about negative thoughts and those thoughts will put limits for you and you will be in the same spot forever .
your productivity in work or school or whatever really depends on your habits and the people you surround yourself with and your thoughts
if you hang around with losers you will be one of them after a while and if you hang around with dreamers and hard workers you will be one of them so you should think twice about the people you hang around with
also some activities like yoga and meditation can help you manage your stress and thoughts and increase your productivity !
and your body is your home and your brain is a part of it if you treat him well he will be in his best , so make sure you eat well and go to the gym and stay hydrated and get enough hours of sleep to maximize your productivity
i think if you’re serious about changing your life style to better and be more productive you should break all of this bad habits and built good ones it will not be easy but trust me that will help you a lot in your life .