Data Structures
To make it simple data structures is a way to organize our data and make it more easier to modify and access
Data structures enable us to:
- Manage and utilize large datasets
- Search for particular data from a database
- Design algorithms that are tailored towards particular programs
- Handle multiple requests from users at once
- Simplify and speed up data processing
Let’s see some types of data structures you definitely have to learn them if you want to be a successful developer
- 1 data structures with arrays are Simple to create and use and much more easier than the other types in my opinion but they are hard to insert/delete or resequence values and will make you lose time sometimes .
- 2 Queues is too simple too it’s basically work like L.I.L.O which means last in last out it orders data in the order it was received but Can only retrieve the oldest element
- 3 Stack are like the Queues the only difference the work like L.I.F.O : last in first out i think i cannot explain more it’s really too simple !
- 4 Linked List elements are stored in nodes that contain a pointer to the next node, repeating until all nodes are linked This system allows efficient insertion and removal of items without the need for reorganization. it’s Efficient insertion and removal of new elements and Less complex than restructuring an array
- 5 Trees :Each tree has a “root” node, off of which all other nodes branch. The root contains references to all elements directly below it, which are known as its “child nodes”. This continues, with each child node, branching off into more child nodes.
- Ideal for storing hierarchical relationships
- Dynamic size
- Quick at insert and delete operations
- In a binary search tree, inserted nodes are sequenced immediately.
- Binary search trees are efficient at searches; length is only O(height).
- Slow to rearrange nodes
- Child nodes hold no information about their parent node
- Binary search trees are not as fast as the more complicated hash table
- Binary search trees can degenerate into linear search (scanning all elements) if not implemented with balanced subtrees.
That’s all for today’s blog there’s more types of data structures we didn’t talk about today we only mentioned a few to give you an idea but you should learn them because they gonna help you a lot in your journey and as i always say practice is the key .